124. Stop Discounting Yourself

As women, we’re pretty much taught by society not to put our own needs and desires first. This leads more and more women to discount and not prioritize themselves. What if I told you it didn’t need to be this way? What if I told you that by prioritizing your wants and needs, you will feel better, stronger, and more capable in all areas of your life? Let’s talk about developing a strategy to stop discounting yourself.

Key Takeaways

  1. Continue to build the relationship you have with yourself.

  2. Stop putting yourself in the corner!

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The Authentic Clothes Reveal with Edith’s Philly

There are so many moments when you might have discounted yourself. Take a moment and think about when times that you’ve done this. Why did you do it? We discount ourselves for so many reasons, both of our own making and those that have passed on from society.

One of the big reasons we might discount ourselves is by comparing ourselves to others. Imposter syndrome is a very real thing, especially for women physicians trying to balance life and a career in a male-dominated environment.

Stop Discounting Yourself!

You might discount yourself in areas of your life you haven’t even thought of. Any time you don’t hold onto the nutrition standards you’ve set for yourself that serve and honor your authentic body, you’re discounting yourself. Anytime that you don’t feel you deserve even ten minutes of exercise because it’s not long enough, you’re discounting yourself.

In fact, this type of all-or-none thinking is one of the biggest reasons we discount ourselves. We are so conditioned to believe that if we can’t dedicate enough time or if we can’t do something perfectly, there’s no point in doing it at all when that is simply not the case!

Ladies, I encourage you to set boundaries that serve you. I want you to own your space and your needs. I want you to stop discounting yourself! Let’s start a revolution.

Tell me about a time that you’ve discounted yourself in the past. What made you do it? If you were to repeat the situation, how would you change it so that you didn’t discount yourself? Let me know in the comments below!

 In This Episode 

  • When you might have discounted yourself [7:45]

  • Why we disqualify ourselves [9:15]

  • When imposter syndrome might come up in your life [9:45]

  • How you discount yourself when it comes to your nutrition [13:45]

  • How getting snobby helps you not discount yourself [17:30]

  • Why all-or-none thinking leads to discounting yourself [19:00]

  • How to own your space and stop discounting yourself [24:00]


“When we start to compare ourselves to other people, a lot of times we start believing that this person over here is getting better results than me.” [9:28]

“We go into this spiral of completely discounting who we are authentically, the foods that are going to serve us authentically, and we completely have almost an identity crisis.” [14:02]

“We compare, we think there’s something wrong, we disturb the relationship building with ourselves, and, ultimately, we’re discounting ourselves.” [14:28]

“Every time you invest in ten minutes, you’re bumping yourself right up on the priority list.” [18:47]

“You’re doing it because you’re no longer willing to discount yourself with all-or-none thinking. All-or-none thinking will always be one of the biggest barriers when it comes to achieving mental, emotional, and physical optimal health.”  [19:20]

“Being empowered to set boundaries is how we move away from discounting ourselves.” [22:00]

“By owning who you are and showing up for that version of yourself, you will become an authentic leader because there’s only one you.” [24:13]

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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