165. 30-Minutes-A-Day

You can achieve optimal health in thirty minutes a day. Thirty minutes of non-negotiable time every single day can give you the space and time you need to achieve optimal health. In every area of your life. All it takes is setting a boundary and being snobby with your time. You deserve this.

Thirty Minutes For Yourself Gives You

  1. More endorphins

  2. More oxytocin

  3. Decrease cortisol

  4. Decrease adrenaline

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You Are the Most Important Person

Thirty minutes a day is all it takes to get closer to optimizing your health. I really need you to look at your daily life – are you getting thirty minutes for yourself? If not, it’s time to start. 

You are the most important person in the room, and if you can’t find thirty minutes a day, you are doing yourself a great disservice. I understand how putting everything and everyone else above you is so much easier, but trust me when I say that thirty minutes of time for you makes all the difference in the world.

Thirty Minutes to Optimal Health

How can you clear out your limiting beliefs and useless thoughts to give yourself mental clarity and space? When you do that, you’ll want to have more than thirty minutes for yourself. But thirty minutes is the goal.

In thirty minutes, you can spend time on one or more areas of your optimal health. Physical, mental, social, and emotional health can all become optimized when you spend time on them… and all you need is thirty minutes daily.

I am a better person when I commit these thirty minutes to myself. I’m more emotionally regulated, present, productive, and less reactive. Take this time for yourself. Encourage others to take thirty minutes for themselves, too.

Do you have 30 minutes a day for yourself? If not, I want you to examine your excuses and start prioritizing yourself. You deserve this time. You need this time. Let me know in the comments below how you’re giving yourself back this time.

 In This Episode 

  • How you might spend your thirty minutes per day [5:00]

  • How thirty minutes a day can help you make a better impact [11:30]

  • What can happen in thirty minutes a day [13:45]

  • Why you need to examine the excuses you give for not having thirty minutes a day for yourself [18:30]

  • Why thirty minutes is the baseline minimum of time for yourself [26:00]


“This is non-negotiable. I am saying this again, with the love from my heart, you are the most important person in the room. And if are not dedicating time to you, if you are letting everything else take your time away from you, you need to beef up the boundaries to reestablish that thirty minutes is non-negotiable for you.” [4:09]

“When I commit thirty minutes to myself, I am very emotionally regulated, I am very productive, and I am nicer, and I am less reactive, and I am more engaged, I’m actually funnier. We have to start to think about this thirty minutes that we are committing to ourselves as something that’s even beyond us.” [10:58]

“If you’re not creating thirty minutes for yourself, it’s like you’re trying to parallel park a car while driving it at 100mph.” [24:48]  

“Thirty minutes a day. Find it, schedule it, do it. Encourage others to find it. Encourage your kids to find it. Do it now. Teach these things now. When you show it, when you model it, when you do it, watch who follows you.” [27:00]


Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

Transform® 8.0 deposit link is now open. Sign up HERE.

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Want to learn more about how my coaching programs help women physicians achieve optimal health and sustainable weight loss? Click HERE for a private info call with our Concierge team!


166. Energetic Protection for Empaths


164. Break The Rules