79. Do More of What Works

Doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t sounds like an easy concept, right? But how do you know what’s working and what isn’t? In this episode, I’m exploring a few of the hats I wear and break down the three big questions: What’s working? What’s not working? What can I do more of?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. What’s working?

  2. What’s not working?

  3. What can you do more of?

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The Hats You Wear and Figuring Out What Works

Every single person has multiple roles they engage in every day. Partner, parent, child, sibling, employee, entrepreneur, volunteer… you get the idea. But what happens when you actually take the time to look at how these roles are serving you? And, more importantly maybe, how you’re serving them?

By breaking down three questions in the narrative of all the different hats you wear, for me specifically in this episode, as a wife, as a parent, and as a coach, I can reevaluate how I best show up in these roles. Identifying what’s not working really does allow you to figure out what is working and how you can use the momentum from that to create space to do more of that.

What Happens When You Open Up to Others

Opening up to the other people who experience you in these roles helps with communication barriers, as well. By knowing more about yourself and what doesn’t work for you, you can openly talk about that, apologize if necessary, and come to mutual decisions about how to move forward.

Finally, knowing your ultimate goal helps this whole process. If you know where you want to end up, you can curate your approach to make it work even better. Doing more of what works will absolutely help you reach those long-term goals quicker.

Do you know your long-term goals? What roles do you need to examine to get you closer to meeting them? Let me know what you’re exploring first in the comments below.

 In This Episode 

  • Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t [1:00]

  • How to look through your hats and choose which work the best [3:30]

  • What happens when you open up about what’s not working [14:00]

  • How doing more of what works helps you connect with your community [20:00]

  • Why you should explore your ultimate goals [23:15]


“I think that connection is really the key. As I’m talking through this all in this episode, this theme of connection has definitely allowed me to calm myself a little bit. I feel a lot less stressed even working through this podcast with you all from the very beginning. A lot is based on the very idea that I can connect. I can connect with those that I love and it’s really fun to do that. I had the opportunity on this episode to do that.” [20:45]

“Doing more of something I think is giving others permission to explore in depths of what they need right now. When I’m describing what I need, what can I do more or less of, it’s giving permission to be able to do more of what’s working for them, less of what’s not, and helping them uncover what that is.” [26:39]

“How can we conserve energy? By saying ‘yes’ to the things that are working and ‘no’ to the things that are not working.” [27:53] 

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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80. Beating Burnout with A Simple Reset


78. The Impact of Life Coaching - My Story