147. Alcohol and Optimal Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, one of the biggest questions I get asked is whether or not you can still drink alcohol. The short answer is that yes, you can still drink alcohol and optimally lose weight. This episode is all about unpacking the long answer, so join me in part four of this series about optimal weight loss.

How to Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight Optimally

  1. Notice what kind of alcohol you enjoy

  2. Drink four drinks or less per week

  3. Find out when you like to drink alcohol

  4. Ask yourself why you want a drink

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Alcohol and Optimal Weight Loss

There is a misconception that it’s impossible to lose weight if you drink alcohol. But that’s not true – as long as you’re following the recommended guidelines for consumption and also only drinking what you really enjoy, it is still possible to achieve optimal weight loss while still enjoying a drink.

How much alcohol can you have and still lose weight? It does depend on what type of alcohol you’re drinking; some are better and a bit healthier for our bodies than others. But on average, one bottle of wine per week is around the amount I would recommend.

Alcohol’s Effects On Your Body

Now, alcohol does have some physiological effects on your body that you need to understand if you’re going to drink alcohol and still lose weight. For example, I sleep poorly after a drink, which can upset my body’s optimal weight loss. 

This is one of the reasons I encourage you to get snobby with your alcohol. What kind of alcohol do you really enjoy? What makes you feel good? Life is too short for cheap alcohol and unenjoyable cocktails. If you’re going to drink and lose weight, please make sure you’re enjoying what you’re drinking!

What is your favorite type of alcohol to drink? How does it make you feel when you drink it? Let me know in the comments below!

 In This Episode 

  • What you need to know about alcohol and optimal weight loss [9:30]

  • How much alcohol you can have and still lose weight [11:45]

  • The physiological effects of alcohol on your body [13:30]

  • Why you need to get snobby with what alcohol you drink [17:00]

  • What the healthiest alcohol is [23:30]


“I’m a big believer in the idea that everything can happen in moderation. We don’t have to give up the things we truly do enjoy. But we must know what these things are, what they do to our body, and how we want to proceed.” [4:25]

“If you would like to enjoy some alcohol and your goal is optimal weight loss, you can do it.” [12:29]

“Having the conversation around why you’re drinking and when you’re drinking, what makes sense, how are you getting snobby… I think developing the relationship you have with the alcohol piece. Know that there are other options you can have.” [30:22]


Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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