134. So Much More Than Weight Loss Part 1

Weight loss isn’t the answer for everyone. But, then what is? That's what I’ll be discussing in this new series, “So Much More Than Weight Loss”. In this episode and throughout this series, we’re on a journey of awareness, so that you can better know where you are and where you want to go.

Accomplishing health goals requires

  1. Self-compassion

  2. Self-acceptance

  3. Recognition of your positives

  4. Knowledge of your emotions

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Why there’s more to health goals than weight loss

We are often hyper-focused on the idea of weight loss, that we have to change our bodies for some reason. That’s certainly what the diet industry would have us believe. But buying into this idea will leave us consumed in the never-ending pursuit of what we think will make us happy.

On the other hand, for optimal health, it may sometimes be beneficial to lose some amount of body weight. However, if we are not optimizing what weight we are losing, that is not beneficial. 

I discuss why we need to look beyond the number on the scale. Rather, a journey to lose weight needs to be optimal, meaning we are preserving as much lean mass as possible.

Discovering your authentic agenda

I’ve come to realize that the alternative to weight loss is your authentic agenda. This is something that meets your mental, emotional, social, and physical needs. 

By starting with an awareness of how you feel and see the world, you can see what serves you well and what doesn’t. That leads to self-compassion and acceptance. This is also related to how we process emotion. Not processing emotion often lies at the heart of unhealthy habits. That’s why I stress that action needs to be accompanied by addressing our thoughts and feelings too.

If weight loss isn’t the answer for you, what is? Leave a comment below!

 In This Episode 

  • Why weight loss isn’t always the answer [1:45]

  • Discovering your authentic agenda with self-awareness [5:20]

  • What happens when we discount the positive [15:20]

  • Understanding how you process emotion [19:00]


“You are the most important person in the room, because if you can take care of yourself and believe that, imagine the effect on everybody else around you.” [9:56]

“Health goals are not accomplished by putting more pressure on ourselves. Health goals are accomplished by taking the pressure off and finding self-compassion and self-acceptance.” [11:31]

“Weight loss is not the answer. Optimal weight loss, or getting stronger, building muscle, or getting more fit, are secondary effects that will be long-lasting when we get this right first.” [30:42]

Resources Mentioned

31 Days of FIT. Learn more HERE.

Muscle Maintenance During Fat Loss. Waitlist HERE.

Fit Woman Collective™. Learn more HERE.

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135. So Much More Than Weight Loss Part 2


133. Uncomfortable Growth