PetSmart is the New Disney World


A year ago, our lives changed forever.

Yes... all of us. Pandemics end civilizations.

As a civilization, we have lost so many. The destruction that Covid-19 has caused is beyond what I thought I would see in my lifetime. So for this... I am thankful. Thankful to everyone fighting for our civilization. Doing the next best thing.

But, alongside the destruction, there are other things happening.

Today, I want to tell you about my family. 1 year ago, we made the decision to pull our girls out of school and allow them to learn virtually. We didn’t know the right answer... so we did what we thought best. For the past year, most of our days look the same. And while the cabin fever may be setting in... we are blessed.

A year ago, we felt safe to go anywhere. In fact, last January we traveled to Grand Cayman without masks or worry. We were always out and about with the kids... seeing the world, creating experiences.

We have been very strict with Covid protocol. We have not seen many humans. Recently, we decided to get our puppy groomed. I didn’t realize the silver lining I would discover here.

I took my younger daughter to drop the puppy off, and it was as if she received the greatest gift of her life. She was so excited to see the fish, the birds, the guinea pigs. She wanted to buy all of the puppy toys. I seriously felt like we were at Disney World.

When I saw this happen, I realized something big. This year has recalibrated us. PetSmart never would have been exciting if we took it for granted.

With our recalibration, everything seems new and shiny again. We don’t take anyone or anything for granted. We are showing up differently… better. 

As we are heading into year 2 of the pandemic, it is easy to feel discouraged and devastated. And - it’s ok to feel these things. It’s not comfortable, but it is ok. We have to find the silver linings within our own experiences. 

Yesterday, I had a doctor’s appointment.... and I found myself genuinely happy to be there. Conversations were deeper. Words were more meaningful. Gratitude was stronger. These days, I feel more human. Prior to the pandemic, I felt more superhuman. But - I am not superhuman. And all of a sudden... being human is enough.

The belief that I chose to have is: I am relearning how beautiful a simple life can be. I have enough. My family has enough. I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I am trying to give grace to the woman who didn’t wear her mask to PetSmart because, after all, she is also human.


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